Holistic Brand Design: Dig Into Your Brand’s Why, What, & How

July 12, 2024


When you hear the word “holistic,” it’s easy to think of sound baths, acai bowls, and yoga retreats by the sea. But, at its core, a holistic approach means a belief that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In branding, a holistic approach means considering the symphony of visuals, messaging, and presentation rather than focusing on individual notes. This week, we’re breaking down the ins and outs of holistic brand design and how it intersects with your brand’s identity and big-picture strategy.

Understanding Holistic Brand Design

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know by now that consistency is a big deal. (And if you haven’t been following this blog for a while, welcome!) When your brand shows up consistently across touchpoints, you build trust and recognition with your target audiences. Plus, you’re creating a seamless and memorable experience. 

Holistic brand design is a comprehensive strategy that helps ensure consistency across all touchpoints. That means people know they’re interacting with your content, whether they stumble across your blog, interact with a post on social media, or talk to a team member. 

The Holistic Branding Ecosystem: Identity, Strategy, Design

What comes to mind when you hear the word “brand?” When someone mentions Nike, do you see the iconic swoosh, hear the words Just Do It, and picture feats of athleticism? What about Erewhon, Coca-Cola, or AirBnb? 

To understand the importance of holistic brand design, we need to shift how we think about brands. It’s more than a logo, mission statement, and color palette. Truly effective brands are ecosystems of ideas: they’re alive and dynamic; forever in flux and responding to the world around them. And just like a healthy ecosystem, brands must be carefully balanced to thrive. 

But what exactly are we balancing? In holistic medicine, practitioners help you understand the relationship between your mental, physical, and spiritual health. In branding, we’re looking at the synergy between your brand’s identity, strategy, and design. 

Brand Identity

Potential clients and customers crave experiences they can relate to on a cellular level. We want to support brands that reflect our values and experiences. That’s why holistic brand design HAS to start with a brand identity deep-dive. 

Brand identity goes beyond how your brand looks and communicates (though it directly influences both of those things). It’s the foundation of your brand—the bedrock on which everything else gets built. You can think of it as your Why: the values, beliefs, and goals that guide your decision-making at every level. 

Let’s make it real with an example. Think about how the following brands might identify: 

EcoThrive is an organic food brand that prioritizes environmental sustainability and community well-being. Their mission is to educate consumers about the benefits of organic products and no-waste living. They support this mission in every aspect of their product sourcing, packaging, and marketing efforts, taking a fully digital approach to community outreach. Their brand identity is rooted in being eco-conscious and community-minded. 

Tekwayve is a tech company that’s dedicated to creating cutting-edge technology that is accessible to everyone. Their tagline—Innovation. Excellence. Accessibility.—speaks to their values and how they show up in the market. Their sleek, futuristic brand design supports their identity as innovators in the tech space. 

While your brand’s strategy and presentation will often evolve, your identity should serve as an anchor point. It ensures you’re working consistently towards your mission and helps you connect authentically with your target audiences.

Brand Strategy

Brand strategy is your overall marketing plan. You can think of it as the roadmap that helps you reach your overall business goals. Building out a strong brand strategy requires a deep understanding of your industry, brand position, and target audiences. In holistic brand design, your strategy will also be deeply integrated with your brand identity. 

Let’s go back to our example brands, EcoThrive and Tekwayve. 

As a health-focused brand, EcoThrive knows their target audiences value sustainability, community, and nutritious foods. Their brand strategy needs to show their dedication to these values. This might include community education through educational content marketing, collaboration with sustainable partners, and using digital platforms to help organize community events, such as zero-waste challenges. 

On the other hand, Tekwayve’s futuristic, modern brand needs to position the company as a leader in accessible, cutting-edge technology. Their brand strategy should include exceptional customer support with multiple touchpoints, user-friendly products, and a strong digital presence that conveys their mission: Bringing the future to everyone.  

In holistic brand design, there’s no room for “one size fits all” marketing. Each strategic choice needs to dovetail with your brand’s identity—supporting your values, furthering your mission, and bringing your vision to life. 

Brand Design

Brand design is the visual language that helps brands reach their target audiences. It relies on deeply ingrained principles like color psychology and storytelling to build compelling brand elements like logos, messaging, and color palettes.

For example, a brand like EcoThrive might use earthy tones and nature imagery to reflect their eco-friendly values. This consistent visual representation helps build a strong, recognizable identity that consumers can easily associate with the brand’s values. When design elements are thoughtfully integrated, they contribute to a seamless and memorable brand experience.

Perhaps even more importantly, integrated brand design creates an emotional connection between audiences and brands. The choice of colors, shapes, and fonts can significantly impact how a brand is perceived. This emotional bond is crucial in a holistic branding approach, as it taps into the deeper psychological needs of consumers.

Top Benefits of Holistic Brand Design

You know we wouldn’t be talking about it if it wasn’t important. But how does holistic brand design actually benefit you in the long run? We’re so glad you asked. 

Consistency and Trust

One of the biggest benefits of holistic brand design is consistency. By staying true to your identity across all touchpoints, you can build credibility and trust with your ideal audience. That translates to long-term loyalty and diehard fans who will recommend you to everyone they know. 

Enhanced Customer Experience

A holistic approach goes beyond the actual branding elements. It carefully considers the whole customer journey. Your strategy should work hard to create a seamless and cohesive brand experience at every interaction point. 

Stronger Emotional Connection

We’ve mentioned it before, and we’ll say it again: people want to support brands they believe in. According to one recent study, 89% of respondents say they’re loyal to brands that share their values. But people have to know your values before they can resonate with them. Holistic brand design keeps your brand’s story and values at the forefront, where they can be seen and heard by the customers who resonate with them. 

Competitive Advantage

Holistic brand design can help you stand out in a sea of same. Because it’s rooted in your brand’s unique identity, it’ll authentically reflect you. Not only does this make it easier for consumers to recognize and remember your brand, but it’s also key to capturing market share. 

Increased Brand Equity

People are going to pay what they think you’re worth. And studies show they often form opinions about product quality based on branding. Read that again: a strong, consistent brand presence directly impacts the perceived value of your brand. By investing in holistic brand design, brands can significantly boost their overall value.

Ready to Start Your Brand Design Project? 

Branding elements like your logo, business cards, and fonts are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to successful brand development. Here at Lunar Creative, we start every project with a deep dive into your brand’s Why, What, and How to ensure you’re furthering your mission and connecting with audiences on a deeply authentic level. Get in touch to learn how Lunar Creative can elevate your project, or check out our previous work!

holistic brand design